Stacking the Shelves (#60)


Stacking the Shelves
Hosted by:  Tynga’s Reviews
Description: Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!

Find their latest post here!

Hellooooooooooo, penguins!

How are all your feathers treating you!?  Snack on any awesome tuna fish in the few weeks I’ve been MIA from this post?!  Had your beaks tucked, your talons painted, your pebbles shined?!  Let me know what’s up in your penguin worlds, if anything!

As for me…

Nothing much new around here.  I am workaworkaworking, just waiting for August to come around–the man and I will be flying back to Colorado to visit his family and spend some time for his grandma’s (93?rd) birthday.  Mostly I’m excited to get out of town and GET AWAY FROM WORK for a while.  I swear, working 6 days a week is haaaaaaaaard.  Because exhausting.  I feel like I never have time to just relax, I always gotta have my phone on and my brain working.

I got an email the other day from HarperCollins Publishers that took me completely by surprise.  It read:

“Happy Monday…and congratulations!

You have been chosen as one of our Harper Voyager Super Readers! We’re so excited to have you and welcome you to our tribe of nerdy booklovers!

We’ll be sending you a “welcome package” soon…once we manage to dig ourselves out from beneath the email deluge that is conference season.  In the meantime, rest assured that we’ll be sending you e-galleys for our upcoming titles via edelweiss.abovethetreeline.com.”

I cannot EXPLAIN to you guys how excited I was about this–and how excited I still am!  I don’t know what I did to catch their attention, but I am SO beyond honored to have been considered and chosen–THANK YOU SO MUCH, HarperCollins!

Image result for excitement gifs

Image result for excitement gifs

So between the chaos of work and the excitement that is my book world…the last few weeks have been pretty nonstop, and I’m happy with that!  (I still can’t wait for August, though–I need a serious vacation.)


from publishers/authors/edelweiss/netgalley
(for blog tours/reviews)

Ember Burning: Trinity Forest Book 1

Natalie and the Nerd

It Could Happen

Scandal (Scions of the Star Empire, #1)

The Year of Four (Phoebe Pope, #1)

The Blood of Kings (Phoebe Pope, #2)

The Danger With Love

Freeze (Midnight Ice #2)

from LitCube
(May theme —  Robin Hood: Princess of Thieves)



freebies from around the net

After Loving You

Cruel and Unusual (Somewhere-in-Between, #2)

A Death's Awakening (Somewhere-in-Between, #3)

Addicted to You (Addicted, #1)



curse you, book deals!
(no, no, I don’t really mean this)

Six Wakes


What are some of the books YOU picked up/added to your shelves (either real or virtual?)  Let me know below, or link me to your own Stacking the Shelves!

Until next time, happy book-ing!



Stacking the Shelves (#59)


Stacking the Shelves
Hosted by:  Tynga’s Reviews
Description: Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!

Find their latest post here!

So… I didn’t say anything the other day because I was SUPER tired, but I was working the night shift the last few nights annnnnd the first night there, who should walk in but on of my FAVORITE booktubers.

Now….if you know me, you know I sometimes don’t say things when I should because I get all awkward and nervous, but this day I just couldn’t help myself. I mentioned that I followed him on youtube and we had a great chat about books while my coworker and I made his sandwich.

And then he turned around and talked about it. On his vlog. On youtube. So…yeah… GO WATCH IT! Mostly because he’s such a great person to watch.

( If you’re wondering/only want to see what he says about our interaction, skip ahead to like the eight or nine minute mark.  SERIOUSLY, though, guys–you should TOTES go follow Peter for his booktube if you’re not already following him, because he’s awesome sauce and I adore him so hard.  His booktube channel can be found RIGHT HERE MAH DEARS! )


from publishers/authors/edelweiss/netgalley
(for blog tours/reviews)

Stalker, My Love

It Had to Be You (Brokemore Academy, #1)

The Upside of Regret

Internet Famous

Unexpectedly Hers (Sterling Canyon, #3)

Before I Knew (The Cabots Book 1)

All That Glitters (All That #1)

Wicked Dance (Lovers Dance, #3)


freebies from across the web

Play Me

Blackheath (The Blackheath Witches, #1)

Prejudice Meets Pride (Meet Your Match, #1)

Play With Me (Grover Beach Team, #1)


What are some of the books YOU picked up/added to your shelves (either real or virtual?)  Let me know below, or link me to your own Stacking the Shelves!

Until next time, happy book-ing!



Stacking the Shelves (#58)


Stacking the Shelves
Hosted by:  Tynga’s Reviews
Description: Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!

Find their latest post here!


I know, I know–it’s been a few since you heard from me last.  I am SO super sorry for that, really and truly–there’s only so much this little penguin beak can handle at times, you know?!

There’s not been much excitement in my world recently.  I’ve gotten some books in the mail and in the email, I’ve done some work stuff, I’ve…tried not to lose my feathers?  but that’s a day-to-day struggle and honestly I feel like I fail at it most of the time.

So…how about I just share some music and fun stuff with you?  Sound good?  Good.

Image may contain: 1 person

No automatic alt text available.


from publishers/authors/edelweiss/netgalley
(for blog tours)

Girl on the Verge

from publishers/authors/edelweiss/netgalley
(for review)

Netherfield Prep

The Journey to Dragon Island (The Accidental Pirates #2)

Strings: A Love Story

received in mail/subscription boxes

Alex, Approximately


freebies from across the web

Grave Little Secrets


Rush of Insanity

When It Hits You

one-click purchases

The Bone Witch (The Bone Witch, #1)

Taurus (Zodiac Dragon Guardians, #1)

Aquarius (Zodiac Dragon Guardians, #2)

Cancer (Zodiac Dragon Guardians #3)

Aries (Zodiac Dragon Guardians Book 4)

Alpha (Zodiac Dragon Guardians Book 5)


What are some of the books YOU picked up/added to your shelves (either real or virtual?)  Let me know below, or link me to your own Stacking the Shelves!

Until next time, happy book-ing!




Stacking the Shelves (#54)


Stacking the Shelves
Hosted by:  Tynga’s Reviews
Description: Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!

Find their latest post here!

So…I think it makes sense for me to hold off on posting these every week, and wait until I’ve accumulated ALL TEH BOOKS EVER!  because…I’m not currently BUYING books, and therefore (usually) only get like three a week.

Except this week, because my inbox EXPLODED with all the pretties annnnnnd I browsed Edelweiss the other day in a fit of insanity annnnnnnnnd somehow I managed to get ALL TEH BOOKS without actually buying anything?!  YAY ME FOR THAT!

We may or may not be starting training for the new store (yes, that’s right, the one I’ll be managing) next week.  I’ll find out…uhm…Monday at the latest, if we’ll be starting training next Wednesday.  It’s cutting it close, for sure…things are getting down to the wire and BEJEEEEEEPERS, time is moving quickly!

Keith and I will be going to see Logan tomorrow after I get off work.  I’m off this Saturday (YAY?!) so we’re going to take advantage of that and get outta the apartment for a bit.  We’ve also got a trip back to Colorado in the works for this upcoming summer.  His mom is attempting to get a mini family reunion thing going with a trip into the mountains for Grandma Donna’s 90th! birthday; so far, there are 11 of us going.  Most of whom I haven’t met yet.  I’m pretty excited, though–getting out and AWAY will be awesome.

My mom and I decided to be our sexy awesome selves again the other day, and this happened:

Yeah, you know we rock it.


from publishers/authors/edelweiss/netgalley
(for blog tours)

Incense and Peppermints

from publishers/authors/edelweiss/netgalley
(for review)

Cold Summer

The Duke of Bannerman Prep

My Fairy Godmother Is a Drag Queen

Pixie and the Green Book Mystery - Grayscale Illustrations


To Love A Stranger

Fall in One Day

Wait for the Rain

Songs of Insurrection

from ebook subscription service
( ebookinbox.com )

As We Know It

The Crimson Tree

The Piper's Price (The Neverland Wars, #2)

Trapped In Silver (Eldryn Chronicles #1)

Medium boxsetmultiplied1  2

Prelude (Creatura, #0.5)


freebies from across the web

The Honorable Rosalind's Heart

Sing Your Heart Out (Sinful Serenade, #1)

Soulmate (Soulmate #1)

Now and Then (Now, #1)

Lovers At Heart (The Bradens at Weston CO, #1; The Bradens, #1; Love in Bloom, #4)

Destined for Love (The Bradens at Weston, CO #2; The Bradens #2; Love in Bloom #5)

Taken by Love (The Bradens at Trusty #1; The Bradens #7; Love in Bloom #16)

At Any Price (Gaming the System, #1)

At Any Turn (Gaming the System, #2)

A Totally '80s Romance (Boxed Set Books 1-3) by [Moore, Addison]

Dating on the Dork Side

The Last Necromancer (The Ministry of Curiosities, #1)


If you want to know the grand total….it’s 42 INDIVIDUAL books.  42, penguins.  I….I don’t even know what happened?!

What are some of the books YOU picked up/added to your shelves (either real or virtual?)  Let me know below, or link me to your own Stacking the Shelves!

Until next time, happy book-ing!



Stacking the Shelves (#52)


Stacking the Shelves
Hosted by:  Tynga’s Reviews
Description: Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!

Find their latest post here!

HELLOOOOOOO, penguins!  It is I, your royal beakness!

I’m not sure how much I’ll be updating your fins today–since my last Stacking the Shelves, not a whoooole lot has changed really.  Let’s see…. people continue quitting at work (they’re dropping like flies, penguins.  LIKE FLIIIIIES!)  I’m going to be officially starting my OFFICIAL schedule in the near soonish future…meaning 9am-5pm…six days a week.  On the plus side, YAY OVERTIME!  On the negative side….there really isn’t one actually, so YAY that too!  Seriously, I’m really enjoying this job.  My bosses are fantastic, I’ve been offered a SUPER awesome promotion packet for when I take on the GM position, and I’m super enthusiastic about this opportunity–seriously, the timing could not have been better with all of these life changes.  Obviously something wanted me to be in THIS place, doing THIS work, at this exact time.

Keith apparently ordered the DVD shelves earlier today, so we’ll be receiving that around Valentines Day, which means YAY I can actually unpack some of my boxes finally (seriously, all my stuff is still pretty much in boxes.  Or hampers.  Or bags.  We really need to start working on sprucing up the apartment.)  He also informed me the other night that we will be celebrating Valentines Day with dinner out and a movie.  Having come out of a series of relationships where Valentines Day wasn’t really a big deal….this is interesting for me.  Because honestly, until he said something, while I KNEW subconsciously that VDay is a thing…I had forgotten?  the VDay is a thing couples actually DO?!  I’m so terrible at this game, I can’t even.

Wyoming is getting DUMPED on by mountains of snow and all I can do is sit here and laugh because I SO TOTALLY don’t miss that frickfrack right now.  I mean, we’ve had some cold days here…but…I’ll take this cold over the snow and the below zeroes and the ICK that’s happening back home.

I actually have tomorrow (Saturday!) off, so Keith and I are gonna do….I dunno what but hopefully something fun because I sort of need to get out of the apartment for a bit.  Maybe I’ll talk him into going to a movie, or something… SOOOOOMETHING DIFFERENT, at the very least!

Other than that, I’ve just been doing the usual–going to work (I went in like two hours earlier today than usual because YAY catering orders! boooo I’m exhausted.  YAY tomorrow off!), coming home, eating dinner and sleeping….rinse and repeat.  Oh, and also squashing ants, because apparently the last tenants weren’t clean at all and so we have those.  Little tiny ones.  EWWWW.  (side note…why is it I can’t get away from the pests, no matter where I go?!)

What’s been happening in your worlds, penguins?!


from publishers/authors/edelweiss/netgalley
(for blog tours)

Any Boy But You (North Pole, Minnesota, #1)


from publishers/authors/edelweiss/netgalley
(for review)

The Duchess's Descendants (Jordinia #3)

To Fall For You

from ebook subscription service

Catalyst (The Deception Game, #1)




The Star-Touched Queen (The Star-Touched Queen, #1)

Love, Lies and Spies


What are some of the books YOU picked up/added to your shelves (either real or virtual?)  Let me know below, or link me to your own Stacking the Shelves!

Until next time, happy book-ing!



Stacking the Shelves (#48)


Stacking the Shelves
Hosted by:  Tynga’s Reviews
Description: Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!

Find their latest post here!

I got the rest of my fragiles/breakables packed up, along with most of my odds ‘n’ ends AND board games AND dishes, this last week (mostly this morning.  I was a busy bee this morning!)  I also cleaned the stove before calling quits for the day–chemical headaches due to too much scrub-a-dub and not enough air filtration left me a bit out of sorts this afternoon, but I took a very hot shower and shaved and I felt MUCH better.

We got hit HARDCORE by a winter storm last night/this morning.  Last I checked, the snow was above my ankles already–it’s a winter wonderland, and it’s FREEEEEEZING.  It’s supposed to hit -42 F with windchill tonight.  BRRRRRRR!  I get that I’m a penguin, but I’m not equipped for this sort of weather guys.  I’ve been hiding indoors instead.

I FINALLY!  started on The Neverland WarsAnnelise the PandaPants should be SOOPAH pleased and proud to hear this!  I know, I know, I’ve been slacking…I’m soooooo terrible!  I’m trying, though–hopefully you’ll get some more reviews before I move, guys!  I’m hoping to settle in for some LONG TIME reading tomorrow, so fingers crossed I get at least one book fully knocked out!

Thursday was my last day of work, but…I don’t think it’s fully sunk in yet?  Actually, I don’t think the fact I’m moving next week has fully sunk in yet either.  That probably won’t happen until Keith gets here and we start loading up the truck.  Maybe not even then.  It might not hit me until we’re out of town, on our way down the road–that’s what happened when I went off to college.  Things just don’t really sink in with me until I’m actively in the middle of doing it, I guess.

Bau and I watched half of Scream (Season 2) when he was here last weekend.  I FINISHED the other half after he left, and lemme just say….OH MY GOODNESS?!?!?!?!  I mean, okay, the last two episodes were weird and didn’t really have much baring on the actual story line–they sort of went off on their own little mini tangent–but I.  LOVE.  This show so hard?!  Anyone else watch it and want to scream with me?!?!?!

I’m also currently watching Fuller House (Season 2).  It’s soopah adorable so far, though I’m only like 3 episodes in.  LOOOOOVE that so many of the shows I grew up watching, are being brought back or given continuations.  SUCH an awesome trend!  I just saw today on facebook, for instance, that Duck Tales will be returning in 2017…..with DAVID TENNANT playing Scrooge McDuck!!!! I mean… I’m SO excited, I can’t even handle this.

So…I went off on a little bit of a tangent myself there–sorry, penguins!  Let’s jump into the books now, yes?!


from publishers/edelweiss/netgalley
(for blog tours)

Living in the Shallows (UK Crush #1)

Chameleon Assassin

Lost Girls

from publishers/authors/edelweiss/netgalley
(for review)

The Little Voice

The Alienation of Courtney Hoffman

Pumpkintown Perils: A Witch Mystery Collection (Wild Wild Witch Mystery Bundle Book 1)


from instafreebie

The Prophecy of Shadows (Elementals, #1)

Desire in Frost (Crystal Frost, #2)

Lottie Pursues Bill

free on kindle

Dead in Bed: The Complete First Book



The Potion Diaries (Potion, #1)


My Lady Jane

27 Days to Midnight

Salt to the Sea

Rebel, Pawn, King (Of Crowns and Glory-Book 4)


What are some of the books YOU picked up/added to your shelves (either real or virtual?)  Let me know below, or link me to your own Stacking the Shelves!

Until next time, happy book-ing!



Stacking the Shelves (#39)


Stacking the Shelves
Hosted by:  Tynga’s Reviews
Description: Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!

Find their latest post here!

Hello hello!  How is everyone today?  I hope you’re all fantabulous!

My week, overall, was fairly quiet.  I had a doctor appointment on Wednesday, a last-minute diabetes checkup before I move in order to get my prescriptions refilled and covered until I can find a doctor/get in to see a doctor in Indiana.  They did a BUNCH of stuff while I was there:  gave me a flu shot (and yes, I AM one of those lucky people who end up with symptoms from the shot that emulate the flu); cleaned out my ears (oh, my penguins, guys–the world is SO much louder than I’m used to!); and drew blood for labs.  My A1C (hemoglobin A1C, for those who don’t know–the thing that measures how my blood sugars have been doing for the past 3 months) was 6.1, which is AWESOME and I’m so super happy with that.  That means my sugars, in general, have averaged about 109.  For a type 1 diabetic, this is really great control!

I have an appointment Monday with an OB-GYN to talk about my options in regards to (sorry, men) birth control, as I figure I’d better start being a responsible single adult about this and since I have the opportunity before I leave…. Well, yah know.  I’m leaning toward the copper coil IUD, but I’m sort of terrified.  I have a slight skin sensitivity to metal, though I don’t think copper plays a part in that–just nickel mostly.  I’ve done my research, and I KNOW most women who have nickel sensitivities don’t usually have an issue with the IUD.  It’s the best option for me, as I know hormones cause HUGE blood sugar issues in type 1 diabetic patients and I don’t want to go that route because hello, awesome control the last five or so years now!  The PA I went to see called over to the OB office and asked them for their recommendations, and they said for type 1s they like to use the copper coil, which is reassuring.  So I’m informed, and I know this is my best bet…but I have a problem with overthinking and doubting my decisions.  Any words of advice from you folk out there?  Or words of encouragement?  We all know the internet is the big scary negativity monster; there are more horror stories out there than anything else.

What else, what else….

We’re nearing the end of October!  Which means in just a few short weeks, I should probably think about starting to fill up boxes and go through my things.  They took my weight while I was at the doctor this last week, and I’m at 122 lbs.  I’ve NEVER in my life weighed this–I’m hoping I can keep it there, because I’m loving how I feel about myself here.  But this means a lot of my clothes no longer fit me right, so I plan on going through all the clothes I haven’t worn in forever and deciding which ones to keep and which to throw out.  I imagine I’ll be getting rid of MOST of my clothes, because…well, they’re huge on me basically.

And…I think that’s about it for this week!  I DID buy myself a few books this week, for a change–there were some pretty awesome deals going on–and I’ll be getting my preorders in the mail (FINALLY!) in the next few days, so those’ll be going up on next week’s wrapup.  YAY, I’m so excited about them!

How has the world been treating all of you?  And again, if you’ve any words of advice or encouragement for me, PLEASE comment–I’d looooove to hear what you have to say!

Recently Received

from publishers/edelweiss/netgalley
(for blog tours)

Cursed by Fire (Blood & Magic, #1)

Kissed by Fire (Blood & Magic #2)

Burned by Fire (Blood & Magic #3)

from authors/publishers
(for review)

The Boxer and the Butterfly

The spot on the Wall

Free Downloads

Sanctuary: A dark urban fantasy (Shifter Chronicles Book 1) by [Amade, Melle]
Recently Purchased


Configured (Configured #1)

The Ringmaster's Wife

How to Hang a Witch

The Lie Tree

What are some of the books YOU picked up/added to your shelves (either real or virtual?)  Let me know below, or link me to your own Stacking the Shelves!

Until next time, happy book-ing!

New Sig


Rise of the Chosen: A Fresh, Inventive Take on “Zombie”


Rise of the Chosen (Lifeblood, #1)

In Sam’s world there are two rules. Rule #1: Nobody dies. Protect the living at all costs. Rule #2: Everybody dies. At least once.

The Waking was a global event in which a force called the Lifeblood invaded all humans who died. The few strong enough to control it came back as powerful immortals. The rest let the bloodlust take over and awoke with one goal – to kill.

Newly appointed Watch Guard Samantha Shields has a legacy to uphold. Her father died a hero defending their city and now she wants to follow in his footsteps. Except for the dying part, of course. Unfortunately, fate has other plans as she discovers deep dark secrets that make her choose between her loyalties and the lives of everyone in her city. Both rules are in play as Sam is forced to make hard decisions that could cost her everything – including the person she cares about most.

Lifeblood #1
YA/Horror/Science Fiction
210 Pages
Blue Moon Publishers
Expected Publication Date: October 4th, 2016
Get a copy here!


Quick Reasons: zombies with a twist and a few new names; great dystopian setting/world-building; a few weird/awkward character motivations/plot holes; special snowflake in our MC, Sam; unique and inventive take on the “undead”; a promising start to a new series!

Huge thanks to Anna Kopp, Blue Moon Publishers, and Netgalley for sending me a copy of this title in exchange for an honest review! This in no way altered my read of or opinions on this book.


Going into this book, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I’m sure you know how it is with zombie lore these days: the undead are everywhere, which means the same tired cliches are revisited again and again and again. You can never be sure, when picking up a new book, if you’ll be getting something unique…or just more of the same. Imagine my surprised delight when, from the very first page, this book let me know in no uncertain terms it was breaking away from cliche and striking out on its own! It’s possible I celebrated with some awkward wing flapping and penguin-toed shuffling. I mean, do you blame me?!

Of course, the world-building isn’t completely perfect. There are some missing plot points that, while not fundamental to my grasp or enjoyment of the novel, I find myself now wishing I had answers for. For instance: why are certain of the Chosen also granted special extra abilities? Is this a random occurrence or something else? Why are some people “Chosen” and some “Woken”? (I understand a lot of this comes down to the internal struggle of the one being changed, but is that ALL it is–the choice of whether to fight or die?)


Some of the character motivations seemed a little wishy-washy and questionable to me in the grand scheme of things. David, for instance, seems almost immediately drawn to Sam…and cares more for her quicker than makes sense realistically. Sam also has some weird emotional motivation shifts, especially in regard to her father. Overall, though, the characters are well-developed and nicely rounded out. I particularly adored the relationship between Sam and Lena–it was cute and endearing, though I’m a bit nervous how it’ll play out in the coming sequels.

I had a ton of fun exploring this world! The prose is fast-paced and action-packed, sure to keep even the most bloodthirsty readers engaged and entertained. The twist on zombies was refreshing and inventive, and the characters are vibrant and well-rounded. I recommend this to lovers of dystopians, zombie apocalypses, and creative plots. I can’t wait to see where the next book leads–I’m SUPER intrigued!


Stacking the Shelves (#35)


Stacking the Shelves
Hosted by:  Tynga’s Reviews
Description: Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!

Find their latest post here!

GUYS, THIS IS NOT A DRILL!  This is NOT a drill, I repeat this is definitely NOT a drill!


So…guess what I’m watching!

Image result for giggle gif

Recently Received

from publishers/edelweiss/netgalley
(for blog tours)

Saving Hamlet

The Secret Diary of Lydia Bennet


Songs of Seraphina

A Fabrication of the Truth

Girl on the Brink

from publishers/authors
(for review)

Under A Million Stars

Untitled Beauty (Somewhere-in-Between #1)


The Charming Life of Izzy Malone

Recently Purchased


Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by [Dick, Philip K.]

A Madness So Discreet by [McGinnis, Mindy]

The Sound of Us by [Poston, Ashley]

The Flame and the Arrow: Dark Fantasy Paranormal Romance (The Annika Brisby Series Book 1) by [Cannaday, Emigh]

Diary Of A Teenage Fairy Godmother, A Contemporary Teen Fantasy Romance by [Baldwin, Kathleen, Sisco, Andrea]

Now, don’t freak out on me–these are all from the last few WEEKS.  Because I’m a terrible terrible blogger and haven’t been keeping you all updated on my book life.  Actually… I haven’t been keeping ME! updated on my book life, either.  I really need to start reading again…oops…

What are some of the books YOU picked up/added to your shelves (either real or virtual?)  Let me know below, or link me to your own Stacking the Shelves!

Until next time, happy book-ing!

New Sig


Stacking the Shelves (#33)


Stacking the Shelves
Hosted by:  Tynga’s Reviews
Description: Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!

Find their latest post here!


Wow, that was maybe just a smiiiiiidge overly enthusiastic.  I apologize.

I think I also promised to tell you guys aaaaaaaaall about my weird family drama that cropped up this week?  But… long story is long, so let’s just leave it at this:  I had dinner with my family twice.  The first time was SPECTACULOUS.  The second time, my brother’s new girlfriend came with.  It was supposed to be focus on the new girlfriend and get to know her better night.  Right?!  RIGHT?!…

It became Grandma preferred to focus on BETH night and make everyone else uncomfortable.  Because that sounds like fun, right?  WRONG.  Basically, my grandma threw herself off a cliff and dragged me with her because why not.

YAY, long story magically shortened!  Let’s move on, yes?

Recently Received

from authors

In The Land of Broken Time: The Incredible Journey

Amber Sky (Dark Sky #0.25)

Sign of the Green Dragon

from subscription boxes

A World Without You


The End or Something Like That

Recently Purchased


The Hangman's Daughter (The Hangman's Daughter, #1)

The Dark Monk (The Hangman's Daughter, #2)

The Beggar King (The Hangman's Daughter, #3)

The Poisoned Pilgrim (The Hangman's Daughter, #4)

The Werewolf of Bamberg (The Hangman's Daughter, # 5)

I know, I know, I bought FIVE ebooks all at once what the heck is wrong with me?! BUT PENGUINS–they were all on sale?!  And buying all five, at the same time, actually saved me even MORE money.  I bought this entire series for $7.45 !!! Which is just… a steal of a book deal, okay?  So go ahead and judge me if you want–I still won here.

What are some of the books YOU picked up/added to your shelves (either real or virtual?)  Let me know below, or link me to your own Stacking the Shelves!

Until next time, happy book-ing!

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