Stacking the Shelves (#44)


Stacking the Shelves
Hosted by:  Tynga’s Reviews
Description: Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!

Find their latest post here!

I don’t know if I really have that much to update you all on this week.

There’s a LOOOOOOT of drama happening at work.  And by a lot, I mean there are three or four people who are just making everything miserable for everyone else.  I, for the most part, have managed to stay the hell out of it all–and thank goodness for that, because they’re just… UGHHHHH.  It’s a job, guys–let’s not make it feel like we’re back in middle school, ‘kay?  Please?

My grandma’s having a very rough time of things right now.  Her brother is dying of cancer–it’s spread to his blood and bones, and he’s in a lot of pain.  We’ve known this for a while, but…. The other day, we found out that my aunt, my grandma’s sister, has a tumor on the surface of her brain.  They were supposed to do more scans yesterday, to see if they could get a better image of it.  It’s been a very rough year for my poor grandma overall.

Other than that, I don’t think anything of importance happened this week–it’s been very quiet in my world lately, which I’m not complaining about at all.

How are you guys doing?  Anyone have anything fun planned for next week’s holiday?

In my headphones currently:

(as always, click the covers to go to goodreads!)

Recently Received

from publishers/edelweiss/netgalley
(for blog tours)

Worth The Risk (Infinity Series, #1)

from publishers/edelweiss/netgalley
(for review)

Four Real

Magic Poetry: Illustrated Children's Verse for Ages 3-7

The Beast Is an Animal

Won from Giveaways

Thank you, Octavia @ReadSleepRepeat !


Thank you, Deanna @ A Novel Glimpse!

Paper Princess (The Royals, #1)

Recently Downloaded

free on kindle

Slave, Warrior, Queen (Of Crowns and Glory-Book 1)

Recently Purchased


Buckle up, penguins–it’s about to get wild up in here!

Rogue, Prisoner, Princess (Of Crowns and Glory-Book 2)

Knight, Heir, Prince (Of Crowns and Glory-Book 3)

Rebel, Pawn, King (Of Crowns and Glory-Book 4)


The Sorcerer's Concubine (The Telepath and the Sorcerer Book 1) by [Dolamore, Jaclyn]

The Sorcerer's Wife (The Telepath and the Sorcerer Book 2)

Mage Slave (The Enslaved Chronicles #1)


Tell the Wolves I'm Home

Rhapsodic (The Bargainer, #1)

Monster in My Closet (Monster Haven, #1)

Pooka in My Pantry (Monster Haven, #2)

Fairies in My Fireplace (Monster Haven, #3)

Golem in My Glovebox (Monster Haven, #4)

Demons in My Driveway (Monster Haven, #5)

Phoenix in My Fortune (Monster Haven, #6)

Please Ignore Vera Dietz

All the Rage

I mean…. obviously I had absolutely NO shelf-control this week, or something.  I don’t even… I have no excuses?!  Save for one:  BOOOOOOOOKS!

What are some of the books YOU picked up/added to your shelves (either real or virtual?)  Let me know below, or link me to your own Stacking the Shelves!

Until next time, happy book-ing!

New Sig


Stacking the Shelves (#29)


Stacking the Shelves
Hosted by:  Tynga’s Reviews
Description: Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!

Find their latest post here!

Soooo… I’m still apparently on my unplanned book buying ban–mostly because there are currently NO books on sale that I’m interested in.  Amazon, why you gotta disappoint me so hard?!  Seriously though, guys, it’s SO WEIRD that I’ve gone several weeks now without one-clicking like a maniac!  I’m honestly surprised–and proud!–of myself.

I woke up three or four times last night with the feeling there was something….wrong? in the apartment.  I don’t know how to explain it aside from I felt like something was here that shouldn’t have been.  This isn’t the first time I’ve had this feeling–you all know already that I suffer from chronic night terrors, and a large part of those are me seeing/feeling things that aren’t actually there.  This was just…insistent.  I haven’t had so many issues, EVER, and I’ve been dealing with these since I was in middle school.  Needless to say, I’m sort of exhausted right now.  Maybe my trusty ghost-hunter friend Lauren can explain this phenomenon to me?  *hint hint, nudge nudge*

Either way, it’s going to be a long couple of weeks.  Hubs and I have been having some…issues…since March–we’re not really happy, we’re not sure how to make each other happy, and we’re not sure how to go about fixing it.  We’ve decided to do a sort of “trial separation” for three weeks–he’ll be taking the hideaway bed, we’ll attempt to find our way back to being friends, and go from there depending on how things work out.  Positive thoughts/vibes would be appreciated, if you’re willing to send them our way.

But for now…the moment you’ve all been waiting for!  THE BOOKS!

Recently Downloaded

free from Amazon

Fear University

Recently Received

from book subscriptions

The Neverland Wars

from authors


for blog tours


The Tokyo Cover Girls (The Tokyo Cover Girls, #1)

from publishers

Blue Moon Publishers approached me about two of their recent Netgalley options in hopes I’d work with them again (I’ve worked with them before, for Nirvana by J.R. Stewart)  Of course, I said DEFINITELY!

Immortal Writers

Rise of the Chosen

What are some of the books YOU picked up/added to your shelves (either real or virtual?)  Let me know below, or link me to your own Stacking the Shelves!

Until next time, happy book-ing!

New Sig