Happy Book Birthday, Lost Girls!


Lost GirlsYesterday, Rachel went to sleep listening to Taylor Swift, curled up in her grammy’s quilt, worrying about geometry. Today, she woke up in a ditch, bloodied, bruised, and missing a year of her life.

She doesn’t recognize the person she’s become: she’s popular. She wears nothing but black.

Black to cover the blood.

And she can fight.

Tell no one.

She’s not the only girl to go missing within the last year…but she’s the only girl to come back. She desperately wants to unravel what happened to her, to try and recover the rest of the Lost Girls.

But the more she discovers, the more her memories return. And as much as her new life scares her, it calls to her. Seductively. The good girl gone bad, sex, drugs, and raves, and something darker…something she still craves—the rush of the fight, the thrill of the win—something she can’t resist, that might still get her killed…

The only rule is: There are no rules.

Purchase Links:
Amazon.com  | B&N iBooks | Kobo
Amazon.com.au Amazon.com/uk | Amazon.ca 


Other Things Going On:

Lost Girls Blog TourDon’t miss the blog tour organized by Chapter by Chapter to learn more about the author and Lost Girls!
The Swoony Boys of Suspense: Merrie Destefano shares some of her fave male characters from tv shows and movies that kept her on the edge of her seat…whether or not they are examples of the suspense genre.
Lost Girls Teaser Tuesday: Check out this teaser from Lost Girls and feel free to spread the word with your friends and followers.
Swoon Sunday with Dylan McCarthy: Did you find Dylan as swoonworthy as we did? Read this exclusive interview with him here now!
Live Book Launch at Mysterious Galaxy Books: Live in San Diego, CA? Merrie Destefano is doing a live signing event and book launch at Mysterious Galaxy on Saturday, January 7th at 2pm with Sara Wolf, author of Love Me Never and Forget Me Always, and Rachel A. Marks, author of Darkness Brutal.
( The address and phone number for Mysterious Galaxy:

5943 Balboa Ave. Suite 100
San Diego, CA 92111
858.268.4747 )

Later This Week / Month:
  • Glitter Mag – Author Crush Interview: This will be going live on Friday!
  • Additional Guest Posts & Features: On TeenReads.com, YA Books Central, Ever After Romance, The Librarian Talks, and more!
  • Merrie Destefano in Conversation with Victoria Scott!: Later this month – date / time TBD – we’re going to be having a live discussion between Merrie and Victoria Scott about their books Lost Girls and Violet Grenade. You don’t want to miss it!



The Friday 56 (#6)


*Grab a book, any book.
*Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader
(If you have to improvise, that’s ok.)
*Find any sentence, (or few, just don’t spoil it)
*Post it.
*Add your (url) post below in Linky. Add the post url, not your blog url.
*It’s that simple.
Or join The Friday 56 on Instagram!
Today’s #friday56 post is from #midnightpredator by #ameliaatwaterrhodes . I swear, she is #writergoals for me!

“Exotics. It sounded like a sign that should be in a pet store, advertising parrots or rare snakes. Hearing Ravyn apply it to herself was sickening. Knowing Ravyn’s burgundy hair and eyes made the description appropriate was worse.”

Have you read any of her #books ? Which is yourfavorite if so?!

Midnight Predator (Den of Shadows, #4)Though she was once a happy teenager with a wonderful family and a full life, Turquoise Draka is now a hunter. In a deadly world of vampires, shapeshifters, and mercenaries, she’ll track any prey if the price is right. Her current assignment: to assassinate Jeshikah, one of the cruelest vampires in history. Her employer: an unknown contact who wants the job done fast. Her major obstacle: she’ll have to hide her strength and enter Midnight, a fabled vampire realm, as a human slave. . . .
Are you participating in #Friday56 ?!  Link me below if you are, or find me on instagram at betwixtthesepages !
Until next time, happy book-ing!
New Sig

Top Ten Tuesday (#40)


HOSTED BY: The Broke and The Bookish
DESCRIPTION:  Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created here at The Broke and the Bookish in June 2010. This feature was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We’d love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!

Last week’s theme: Top Ten Books to Read if Your Book Club Likes _______

Find their latest post here!

But I’m sure you all know how this goes by now.  I give you instead:

Top Ten SIX “Life Ruining” Reads from 2016

because this year, for me, has been ALL ABOUT the life-ruining reads, and I love to share.  So let me SHARE, won’t you?!

The Bone Sparrow Subhi is a refugee. Born in an Australian permanent detention center after his mother and sister fled the violence of a distant homeland, Subhi has only ever known life behind the fences. But his world is far bigger than that—every night, the magical Night Sea from his mother’s stories brings him gifts, the faraway whales sing to him, and the birds tell their stories. And as he grows, his imagination threatens to burst beyond the limits of his containment.

The most vivid story of all, however, is the one that arrives one night in the form of Jimmie—a scruffy, impatient girl who appears on the other side of the wire fence and brings with her a notebook written by the mother she lost. Unable to read it herself, she relies on Subhi to unravel her family’s love songs and tragedies.

Subhi and Jimmie might both find comfort—and maybe even freedom—as their tales unfold. But not until each has been braver than ever before.

 Eleven. A name. A title. A sentence passed. If you aren’t a Beauty, you’re less than a Untitled Beauty (Somewhere-in-Between #1)person. You’re a commodity known as a Potential… and you only have so many chances to qualify as a human being.

In her seventeen years, Eleven has seen the best and worst in humanity. She’s been passed around and abused by the bad. She’s hoped and dreamed for the good. And she’s despaired for the hand she’s been dealt. Now she’s been purchased by a wealthy man who has the ability to improve her life and help her become a Beauty – if she can put up with his erratic and controlling personality for long enough, that is. Complicating things is the appearance of a stunningly beautiful young man with amethyst eyes who treats Eleven to the rarest form of attention for a Potential: kindness.

Does Eleven trust her powerful owner to help her escape this life of servitude and enslavement, or does she gamble everything on the enigmatic young man who seems to offer her more than she could ever imagine possible?

The Counting-DownersThe stunningly poignant and life-affirming debut novel by A.J. Compton

Imagine if we could see how long everyone around us had left to live. But we weren’t allowed to know our own numbers…

Trying to make sense of life after the death of her beloved father, free spirit Matilda Evans meets Tristan Isaacs and discovers a marrow-deep connection with him.

No stranger to grief himself, lonely artist Tristan is in awe of Matilda’s fun and philosophical approach to life. With every second spent in her presence, he finds his views on life and loss changing, and begins to embrace the beauty of being alive.

As their friendship turns into something deeper, lessons are learned, memories are made, and legacies are created.

But with both of them knowing how long their soulmate has left in this lifetime, important questions have to be asked and tough decisions have to be made before time runs out.

The Counting-Downers is an inspiring story about life, loss, love, and making the most of every moment.

Everything That Makes YouOne girl. Two stories. Meet Fiona Doyle. The thick ridges of scar tissue on her face are from an accident twelve years ago. Fiona has notebooks full of songs she’s written about her frustrations, her dreams, and about her massive crush on beautiful uber-jock Trent McKinnon. If she can’t even find the courage to look Trent straight in his beautiful blue eyes, she sure isn’t brave enough to play or sing any of her songs in public. But something’s changing in Fiona. She can’t be defined by her scars anymore.

And what if there hadn’t been an accident? Meet Fi Doyle. Fi is the top-rated female high school lacrosse player in the state, heading straight to Northwestern on a full ride. She’s got more important things to deal with than her best friend Trent McKinnon, who’s been different ever since the kiss. When her luck goes south, even lacrosse can’t define her anymore. When you’ve always been the best at something, one dumb move can screw everything up. Can Fi fight back?

Hasn’t everyone wondered what if? In this daring debut novel, Moriah McStay gives us the rare opportunity to see what might have happened if things were different. Maybe luck determines our paths. But maybe it’s who we are that determines our luck.

Sticks & StonesA feel-good middle grade debut with just a hint of magic about a girl who has a rare disorder that makes the words other people say about her appear on her body.

Ever since she was a baby, the words people use to describe Elyse have instantly appeared on her arms and legs. At first it was just “cute” and “adorable,” but as she’s gotten older and kids have gotten meaner, words like “loser” and “pathetic” appear, and those words bubble up and itch. And then there are words like “interesting,” which she’s not really sure how to feel about. Now, at age twelve, she’s starting middle school, and just when her friends who used to accept and protect her are drifting away, she receives an anonymous note saying “I know who you are, and I know what you’re dealing with. I want to help.” As Elyse works to solve the mystery of who is sending her these notes, she also finds new ways to accept who she is and to become her best self.

WreckedEveryone on campus has a different version of what happened that night.

Haley saw Jenny return from the party, shell-shocked.

Richard heard Jordan brag about the cute freshman he hooked up with.

When Jenny accuses Jordan of rape, Haley and Richard are pushed to opposite sides of the school’s investigation. Now conflicting versions of the story may make bringing the truth to light nearly impossible—especially when reputations, relationships, and whole futures are riding on the verdict.



What books have broken YOUR life into pieces this year?

Feel free to share your thoughts with me in the comments, or link me to your own Top Ten Tuesday!

Until next time, happy book-ing!

New Sig


Blog Tour, Giveaway, and Review: The Secret Diary of Lydia Bennet

About the Book:

Author: Natasha FarrantThe Secret Diary of Lydia Bennet
Pub. Date: October 25, 2016
Publisher: The Chicken House
Pages: 336
Formats: Hardcover, eBook
Find it: AmazonBarnes & NobleiBooksGoodreads

A fresh, funny, and spirited reimagining of Jane Austen’s beloved Pride and Prejudice, The
Secret Diary of Lydia Bennet brings the voice of the wildest Bennet sister to life.

Lydia is the youngest of the five Bennet girls. She’s stubborn, never listens, and can’t seem to keep her mouth shut — not that she would want to anyway. She wishes her older sisters would pay her attention, or that something would happen in her boring country life.

Luckily, that something is right around the corner, and it’s the handsome Wickham, who arrives at Longbourn to sweep her off her feet. Lydia’s not going to let him know THAT, of course, especially since he only seems to be interested in friendship. But when they both decide to summer in the fasionable seaside town of Brighton, their paths inevitably become entangled again.

At the seaside, Lydia also finds exciting new ways of life and a pair of friends who offer her a future she would have never dreamed possible. Lydia finally understands what she really wants. But can she get it?

About Natasha:

14439497131443949692norfolk-beachI am one of those rarities, a Londoner born and bred.  And like most true Londoners, I’m not completely English, but three-quarters French with a little bit Dutch thrown in.  I can’t imagine living anywhere else, though I would like a horse, a big old house with a secret passage or two, a fig tree, a walnut tree, lots of dogs and a vista of rolling hills on one side and the sea on the other.  All of which are sadly incompatible with both life in the city and my income.

I write partly because in my stories I can live the lives I’m not…

I have two teenage daughters, Justine and Lily, who provide endless inspiration for my books.  I am pleased to say inspiration works both ways. One of them has dyed her hair pink, and the other has taken to hanging out on the roof in the middle of the night.

The “person” I talk to most is my tortoiseshell cat, Amber.  This is because as a writer you spend a lot of time alone, which makes you go slightly mad.  Amber repays me for my conversation by trashing my house.  Soon we are goig to buy a dachshund puppy called Blue, and presumably he will be equally destructive.

I get very grumpy if I don’t have a good book to read, if I’m not writing, if I’m hungry, tired or don’t get enough exercise.  Otherwise I am a generally cheerful person.

Click here for answers to Frequently Asked Questions about my life as a writer.

WebsiteFacebookTwitter | Goodreads

Giveaway Details:

3 winners will receive finished copies (CLICK HERE!) of THE SECRET DIARY OF LYDIA BENNET, US Only


Quick Reasons: I just…Wickham, you’re a scoundrel, but somehow I love you in this version?; this adaptation/companion/retelling helped to breathe a different life into characters I wasn’t so sure about or fond of before; also, we get Lydia’s story!; great characters, humorous and entertaining read; yet another perspective on a well-known and much-beloved story

Huge thanks to Natasha Farrant, The Chicken House Publishers, Edelweiss, and Rockstar Book Tours for sending me a free copy of this title in exchange for an honest review! This in no way altered my read of or opinion on this book.


If you’ve been following my reviews for ANY amount of time, you’ll probably already know that I am head-over-heels in love with Pride and Prejudice. I own an entire bookshelf of retellings, adaptations, and companion novels. I have watched The Lizzie Bennet Diaries upwards of seven times since discovering it last year. If I could live inside the world of a book for a day, I’d pick Jane Austen’s beloved classic…and I’d enjoy every moment of it. It should be no surprise, therefore, that when I saw this book in a book tour email… I immediately jumped at the chance to read and review it. I HAD to. There was no other choice.


I did NOT, however, expect to have my feelings about one character in particular swayed so very much by a single book. So this is what I’m going to start with: Wickham, you’re a scoundrel….but somehow, you made me love you?! How?! How did you even MANAGE that, when before I was so set against you and everything you stood for? Seriously, penguins–if you’re of the same mind I was before this read, and loathe Wickham entirely… Maybe you shouldn’t read this book. Because by the end of things, you will be so, SO conflicted and confused. Wickham especially is one of those characters that surprises you, and this book was written in just such a way as to make readers view him as complex, flawed…and entirely human. I bow down to Natasha Farrant, actually–it is difficult, once my mind is so set against a character, to make me change it, and she managed that in just over 300 pages.


This is SUCH a lovely and well-written nod to Jane Austen’s classic, guys. Lydia’s story is allowed to breathe and shine through, LYDIA! is allowed to breathe and shine through these pages…but the original story is still there, woven throughout, shifted and molded to match the appropriate perspective. In fact, through Lydia’s eyes, we are able to see a much different story occur–and able to make a more fully formed opinion of the situation as a whole. Natasha Farrant tipped her head to Jane Austen, while still maintaining enough distance to make this wholly and individually her own.


And her voice! Oh my penguins, guys, Lydia’s a uniquely individual and AWESOME character, and I am so so glad we are finally able to see her in all her glory. She is adventurous at heart, but always tied down by societal opinions and judgments on what proper “females” should or should not do. She, like most women I know today, longs to strike out on her own, do something for herself–find her place with like-minded and understanding individuals. I just… there is SO much growth and emotion behind Lydia’s story. I adored every moment spent within her head, hearing about the world from her own words–it was an entertaining, often laugh-out-loud experience.


This is an entertaining, hilarious nod to Jane Austen’s much-beloved classic, and I am so so happy I was given the chance to read this for review. Lydia shines in this story, allowing us to see the world–and her!–from a new and intriguing perspective. Wickham, also, caught me by surprise–and is rather endearing in this version of events. I recommend to those obsessed with Pride and Prejudice, historical fiction, and characters just trying to find their place in the world. Natasha Farrant, you did Jane Austen good–and I can’t wait to see what you do next!


The Counting-Downers: Inventive, Perspective-Changing, and Beautiful


The Counting-Downers

The stunningly poignant and life-affirming debut novel by A.J. Compton

Imagine if we could see how long everyone around us had left to live. But we weren’t allowed to know our own numbers…

Trying to make sense of life after the death of her beloved father, free spirit Matilda Evans meets Tristan Isaacs and discovers a marrow-deep connection with him.

No stranger to grief himself, lonely artist Tristan is in awe of Matilda’s fun and philosophical approach to life. With every second spent in her presence, he finds his views on life and loss changing, and begins to embrace the beauty of being alive.

As their friendship turns into something deeper, lessons are learned, memories are made, and legacies are created.

But with both of them knowing how long their soulmate has left in this lifetime, important questions have to be asked and tough decisions have to be made before time runs out.

The Counting-Downers is an inspiring story about life, loss, love, and making the most of every moment.

Goodreads Rating: 4.27 Stars
Contemporary/New Adult/Romance/Sci Fi/Fantasy
344 Pages
Publication Date: July 24th, 2015
Get a copy here!


Quick Reasons: life-ruiner!; this book is just… SO many feels, SO much to ponder, SO powerful; a poignant, beautiful story of life, loss, love, grief, death…but most importantly, LIVING; there are no words for how much I love this book; gorgeous, atmospheric prose; beautifully description scenes; a landscape painted of words and emotions; this book touched me, deeply


Firstly: JUST LOOK AT THAT COVER, oh my penguins it’s so exquisite and gorgeous and just… gaaaaah, so much yes!

I just… I mean, it’s a bit early in my relationship with A.J. Compton to be certain, but I’m pretty sure I’ve found a new favorite author. A new auto-buy. A new person to watch out for with impatience and childlike wonder in the future. Because A.J. Compton? speaks to me, so deeply. I’ve read two novels by her so far, and have been ABSOLUTELY blown away both times. Why? Because she leaves me thinking. She challenges me to view the world, and the subject she’s chosen to focus on, in different and vastly unique ways. She challenges me to think outside the box, to examine my reactions, and to WONDER. And that is a gorgeous, wonderful, awe-inspiring talent, in my opinion.


This book? Focuses on some very difficult and abstract subjects. Time, for one thing–and how to handle the passing of it, when you can see exactly how much time everybody but you has left. The subject and plot of this book is so uniquely different from anything I’ve ever read before, because the characters start this book KNOWING that the world around them is dying. Knowing that they, too, have a finite number of minutes, even though they don’t know that number exactly. These characters are flawed, but courageous despite their fears. These characters are well-rounded, vibrantly written…and so, so heart-wrenching.

The world A.J. Compton has written within these pages is both believable and vibrant. There are some grammatical errors–things like missing words are a bit of an issue, though it’s easy enough to figure out from the context what words have been dropped, and it didn’t in any way hinder or take away from my reading. This journey–the growths, the strengths and weaknesses, the love of these characters–took me for a wild, thought-provoking ride. This is yet another book that’s bound to haunt me for years to come, and I adore that so much. I adore how much this one read has changed my perspective, has made me reconsider the world.


If you guys haven’t picked up an A.J. Compton book yet… GO DO IT! Seriously, what are you waiting for?! Her writing is descriptive and vibrant, her characters are heart-wrenching, and the journey is ALWAYS inspiring and perspective-shifting. A.J. Compton knows how to make her readers think…and that’s a beautiful talent to have. I definitely recommend this book to lovers (or haters) of time; to readers seeking an unexpected but beautiful journey; and to those who think they need a new outlook on living and dying. Seriously, guys–don’t waste any more time. Pick this book up NOW; I swear it’s worth the risk!


Top Ten Tuesday (#32)


HOSTED BY: The Broke and The Bookish
DESCRIPTION:  Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created here at The Broke and the Bookish in June 2010. This feature was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We’d love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!

This week’s theme: Ten Books Set Outside the US that We Enjoyed

Find their latest post here!

But I’m not doing that one.  Because I don’t wanna.  No, really, that’s the reason in its entirety.  I don’t wanna, so I’m not gonna, and you can’t make me.

Instead, I give you my:

Top Ten Favorite Quotes (this week)!

because HULLO, there are SO MANY awesome quotes floating around out there, especially of the book variety…which means this list?  Is forever and foralways changing.  These are my picks for this exact moment in time; you should fully expect this list to change within the week.


I guess I have an affinity for the poetic, the beautiful, the “makes you stop dead and THINK.”  At least, those seem to be my favorite quotes in reads–which explains why so many of my quotes are different from those MOST people highlight!

What sort of quote are YOU most drawn to?  Have you read any of the books listed here–and what did you think of them, if so?   Feel free to share your thoughts with me in the comments, or link me to your own Top Ten Tuesday!

Until next time, happy book-ing!

New Sig


Villainous Love Songs (#2)


Because c’mon–you think those characters with the hearts of ice, the unbreakable wills, the huge tendency to bully DON’T jam out to the mushy-gushy on their iPods sometimes?

I am of the firm opinion that villains, just like everybody else, have a love song they just can’t help but…well…LOVE!

This will be a consistent new feature on my blog–probably posted every Monday.  Because there are a LOT of villains, and a LOT of love songs, out there to match… and I’m bound and determined to do it!

If you like this meme, feel free to post up your own–just be sure to link back to mine!

Villainous Love Songs

I have to start this with the first pairing I thought of while working.  Don’t hurt me, guys!  I promise to be serious after this.  Sort of.

(The Hunchback of Notre Dame)

I mean… Am I right?!

Okay, okay, moving on from the disturbing…

Koschei the Deathless

I have never in my LIFE heard a better pairing than this!  So, yes.

(The Illuminae Files)



Villains…and the love songs they don’t want anyone to know they rock out to.

If villains in your world had a favorite love song, which would it be?  Let me know what you think of this post below–or feel free to jump in and post your own pairs!

Until next time, happy book-ing!

New Sig