Stacking the Shelves (#31)


Stacking the Shelves
Hosted by:  Tynga’s Reviews
Description: Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!

Find their latest post here!

Hey, guys gals and penguins–I hope you’re all doing well.

I’m sure many of you noticed I took a sort of unplanned hiatus from the memes portion of this blog this last week.  I’m not going to apologize for it, because I’m sure most of you understand I’ve been under a fair amount of stress the last few weeks, but I also can’t promise that it won’t happen again.  FOR SURE, in September, there will be at least one week you won’t see me at all save for reviews–I’m flying to Indiana to visit a friend of mine, and proooooooobably won’t want to be on the computer a whole lot. I’m SOOPAH excited–I haven’t been out of this town on extended time in….well, it’s been since before I got married, and that was almost four years ago, so.

I know I said the husband and I were giving it until the 20th, at least, to decide where to go from here, but…. We sat down a few times since then and had some seriously in-depth heart to hearts, and decided together that we don’t see this working out unless one or both of us remained miserable.  We officially announced our intentions on Facebook the other day; here’s what I said:

To whom it concerns in my facebook world:

You will notice, in the coming months, a few major changes. Bau and I have decided, after months of struggle and several long weeks of in-depth discussion, to part ways in our marriage and take on the world as friends. Whether or not you agree with divorce and/or this decision is not the point. He is not happy. I am not happy. THIS, in the end, is the point–we are not happy, and have decided this is for the best for both of us.

We are NOT blaming each other, or ourselves, for this. Things happen. People change. With such changes, we have lost who we were to each other, and cannot think of a way to fix it without remaining miserable. We would appreciate it if you could all support us in this…and NOT try to lay the blame on one side or the other. We are, in the end, both human.

If you have questions, or want to talk, please message he or I privately. I refuse to play the blame game, and I refuse to air every grievance to the world. If you don’t like that this is happening, or don’t like me for it…so be it. I cannot help or change that. But I’d appreciate it if, in such an instance, you swallowed your opinion and accepted that Bau and I are both adults, and are struggling with this in our own ways, even if you don’t see it from the outside looking in.

I feel…guilty, is the best way to explain it.  I feel terrible that this is hurting him (because it is, and I hate that), and I feel like I’ve let a ton of people down.  But in the end, this is for the best for both of us–I’m working on not guilt-tripping myself about this, because that isn’t going to change anything.

Other than all that, things keep on rollin’, and I’m letting myself roll right along with them.  I didn’t pick up many books this week, but here’s what I DID get.

Recently Received

from netgalley

The Bone Sparrow

from blogtours

Night Ringing

Recently Purchased


The Telling


When We Collided

The Black Prism (Lightbringer, #1)

Daughters Unto Devils

What are some of the books YOU picked up/added to your shelves (either real or virtual?)  Let me know below, or link me to your own Stacking the Shelves!

Until next time, happy book-ing!

New Sig

13 thoughts on “Stacking the Shelves (#31)

  1. This is a tricky situation, so I understand why you are feeling guilty. But I find the way you have announced it very sensitive and I wish you and Bau all the best. If both of you are miserable, why drag this to the point where you hate each other? You’ve done the adult and best thing 🙂
    I’ve behaved this week, the only new book on my shelves is The Cursed Child. I was having a bad day so it was a gift to help me feel better 🙂 The cover for Daughters Unto Devils is chilling!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much, Donna–I really appreciate your kind words. We are doing everything we can to keep this civil and remain friends, as we both want that more than anything. A few people have had/shared their problematic opinions, but for the most part so far everyone seems to be respecting our wishes, thankfully. ❤

      I've heard so many different things about Cursed Child–I'm not sure I want to pick it up myself or just let it pass! And yes, isn't it?! The synopsis caught me immediately (I've had this on my want to read shelves for at least a year now, so I'm super happy I was able to snag it at sale price for kindle!)

      Liked by 1 person

      • That’s good to hear, you must do what’s best for you, no matter what people think of it 🙂
        I was on the fence about The Cursed Child, but now that I have it, I know it won’t be long until I give in and read it. I was told to go in with low expectations and to not see it as part of the HP series, I will try to do so to enjoy the story.
        Gotta love kindle bargains!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Sending ton of love your way, Beth ♥ I feel like you handled the situation the best you could. I can’t even imagine what you’re going through, but from what you’ve said it seems like the best thing. It’s better to be happy and friends than miserable and hate each other. You’re both mature adults and ultimately it’s YOUR decision and other people need to accept that. You gotta do what’s best for you. I’ve never understood people who have the mindframe that you should continue staying in a marriage despite how it’s making you feel just because it’s the “right thing” to do.

    I hope you have a fun and lovely time visiting your friend!!

    Great haul too! I’m really interested in The Bone Sparrow and especially Daughters Unto Devils.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank yoooou, Lauren–I so so appreciate your kind words and thoughts! ❤

      I've been DYYYYYING to read Daughters Unto Devils for AAAAAGES, I'm so super excited that I got it on sale this week because YAY! 😀


  3. Pingback: Sunday Post (#27) | betwixt-the-pages

  4. Sending best wishes and all the ice cream you can eat! .. Figuratively speaking, unfortunately…♥
    I cannot imagine what you’re going through and have gone through, but I’m happy you’ve made a decision and both agree on it. On one hand I want to say good for you and Bau for accepting your situation and agreeing that it wasn’t working, and on the other hand I’m sorry it hurts and that it didn’t work. I wish I could do more than just say I’m hoping for the best for you and Bau, and that I hope no one criticizes you both for your decisions because it’s your marriage, not theirs!
    Wishing you the best of luck and fantastic travels visiting your friend! If I see the Doctor I’ll be sure to send him your way! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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