Stacking the Shelves (#29)


Stacking the Shelves
Hosted by:  Tynga’s Reviews
Description: Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!

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Soooo… I’m still apparently on my unplanned book buying ban–mostly because there are currently NO books on sale that I’m interested in.  Amazon, why you gotta disappoint me so hard?!  Seriously though, guys, it’s SO WEIRD that I’ve gone several weeks now without one-clicking like a maniac!  I’m honestly surprised–and proud!–of myself.

I woke up three or four times last night with the feeling there was something….wrong? in the apartment.  I don’t know how to explain it aside from I felt like something was here that shouldn’t have been.  This isn’t the first time I’ve had this feeling–you all know already that I suffer from chronic night terrors, and a large part of those are me seeing/feeling things that aren’t actually there.  This was just…insistent.  I haven’t had so many issues, EVER, and I’ve been dealing with these since I was in middle school.  Needless to say, I’m sort of exhausted right now.  Maybe my trusty ghost-hunter friend Lauren can explain this phenomenon to me?  *hint hint, nudge nudge*

Either way, it’s going to be a long couple of weeks.  Hubs and I have been having some…issues…since March–we’re not really happy, we’re not sure how to make each other happy, and we’re not sure how to go about fixing it.  We’ve decided to do a sort of “trial separation” for three weeks–he’ll be taking the hideaway bed, we’ll attempt to find our way back to being friends, and go from there depending on how things work out.  Positive thoughts/vibes would be appreciated, if you’re willing to send them our way.

But for now…the moment you’ve all been waiting for!  THE BOOKS!

Recently Downloaded

free from Amazon

Fear University

Recently Received

from book subscriptions

The Neverland Wars

from authors


for blog tours


The Tokyo Cover Girls (The Tokyo Cover Girls, #1)

from publishers

Blue Moon Publishers approached me about two of their recent Netgalley options in hopes I’d work with them again (I’ve worked with them before, for Nirvana by J.R. Stewart)  Of course, I said DEFINITELY!

Immortal Writers

Rise of the Chosen

What are some of the books YOU picked up/added to your shelves (either real or virtual?)  Let me know below, or link me to your own Stacking the Shelves!

Until next time, happy book-ing!

New Sig

23 thoughts on “Stacking the Shelves (#29)

  1. Sending you good vibes, virtual summer socks because a bed is colder when you’re alone in it for a little while, and hugs! You can really benefit from giving each other some (not too much!) space to rediscover each other and find your way back. I hope everything gets better soon.
    I really tried to understand what a book buying was, but it looks like I failed again,haha! It is the first time I buy so many physical books in a month. I even had book mail delivered every day for an entire week (with sometimes 2 books in a package!) August should be quieter, my TBR is beautiful and filled with the books I really want to read, so I don’t feel the need to buy or request more stories.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so so much for the positive vibes and hugs, I really appreciate them! ❤

      Right?! I'm SO BAD about buying/one-clicking books! I didn't really intend to be on a book buying ban, but the last two weeks it just sort of happened–and I'm cool with it! I'm still receiving books for review/etc, so it's not like my shelves are suffering… (no, honestly, my shelves need to lose some weight somewhere! SO MANY BOOKS!) XD

      Haha, thank you so so much for stopping by and commenting, Donna! I hope your week-to-come is an awesome one!


  2. I actually love it when I am not tempted by sale books at Amazon. Much easier on the budget. I hate waking up with that strange feeling. Hope you sleep soundly from now on. I wish you an your husband a lot of luck in working things out. If you are both willing to try, that is half of the battle. Enjoy all of your new books!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Aww, Beth I’m sorry things have been stressful for you!! It sounds like you’re dealing with a lot. It could explain why you felt something was wrong. Otherwise I’d suggest burning sage or even just some candles or incense and make sure to get into all the corners of your house and have your windows open. I’m definitely sending every positive vibe your way 💞💞💞

    Props for being on a book buying ban even if it wasn’t intentional, haha. I think we got the exact same email for Immortal Writers 😂 I hope we both enjoy it!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Grace! I’m pretty intrigued by Hunter, too–I mean, you can’t go wrong with paranormal bounty hunters, in my opinion, so I can’t wait to dive into that one! It’ll probably be one of my next reads. Here’s hoping you have a great week-to-come! ❤


  4. Lot’s of love to you and of course positive vibes! I hope that things start getting better! Anyways congrats on the ban. Sometimes it’s really difficult to stop the eternal book-buying click. Have a wonderful week ahead.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Sending good vibes your way! All couples go through rough patches and spending a little time apart is the best thing you can do, it often makes you realise what you were taking for granted. Hopefully it works for you and happy reading!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Congrats on not buying any new books. It is not easy to do. I also want to also offer more hugs. It is hard to go through these problems, but at least you are both willing to work on your marriage. I have been married for 28 years, and it is not all rainbows and sunshine. We have been through tough times, but try to “fight” nicely. No bringing up old problems, saying, “You always…”, or name calling. It has kept us loving each other, even when we are annoyed. Best wishes.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for the kind words and advice, Ardis! My hubs and I have never really “fought”–we try to stay calm and be constructive, and have never resorted to name calling. Hopefully that will continue to be the case! ❤


  7. I hope that you and your husband are able to sort things out. It sounds like you are tackling it in a good way and I hope it all works out. So many people especially those not married long seem to give up at the first problem but you guys are a great example of working at things first. Good luck x

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