Blog Tour and Review: Stalker, My Love

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This is my stop during the blog tour for Stalker, My Love by Zack Scott. This blog tour is organized by Lola’s Blog Tours. The blog tour runs from 21 May till 10 June. See the tour schedule here.

Stalker, My LoveStalker, My Love
By Zack Scott
Genre: Mystery/Thriller/ Romance
Age category: New Adult, Adult
Release Date: 14 May, 2017

Welcome to Pine Bridge, a small town where secrets are rife, personal is everyone’s business, and passion is high.

With the disappearance of Rosalyn Ray, tensions soar and fingers point in every direction: the lover, the mother, the best friend, and the stalker.

Frustrated by the search going nowhere, Rhett Calloway makes it his mission to discover the truth, find the girl, and win her heart. Some people in Pine Bridge say he’s obsessed. Some say he’s dangerous. Some say he’s hurt Rosalyn. All Rhett knows is he’s loved Rosalyn since they were kids and he’ll do what it takes to see her again.

Stalker, My Love is an untraditional love story where fantasy clashes with reality, and happily ever after seems like an elusive dream. Told through four POVs, the story follows those closest to Rosalyn Ray.

You can find Stalker, My Love on Goodreads

You can buy Stalker, My Love on Amazon

About the Author:
Zack is the author of the zombie apocalypse trilogy, THEIR DEAD LIVES, the horror comedy, ONE PISSED-OFF SHARK, and the untraditional love story, STALKER, MY LOVE. He’s licensed to practice law in the State of California. When he’s not writing, he enjoys baseball, avoiding LA traffic and playing with the dogs.

You can find and contact Zack Scott here:


Quick Reasons: I have a LOT of thoughts; this was a unique, one of a kind read; love the cyclical nature of the plot; I had no idea where the story was leading me, and I ADORED that; the bright, vibrant cover only emphasized the chaos within the pages

Huge thanks to Zack Scott and Lola’s Blog Tours for sending me a free digital galley of this title in exchange for an honest review! This in no way altered my read of or opinions on this book.

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I….have a LOT of thoughts about this book, penguins. Like, I finished this read last night and just sat here staring at my computer, my mind racing. I had to wait until this morning to be able to coherently put into words what I was feeling–and I’m STILL, even now, not sure I can manage. So be warned: I might, at any given time, become a blubbering mess of chaos. Bear with me, please–I’ll do my best to explain in a way your beaks might be able to handle.

So let’s start with the easy: this is, in my mind, EXACTLY how a mystery should be written. From the very first page, I was suspicious of EVERYONE. Nobody was safe from that part of my brain that likes to jump to conclusions and see secrets hiding in the shadows. The fact that we were given a look into multiple POVs only helped to make everyone shady. Zack Scott KNOWS how to write an excellent mystery, and he drew upon foreshadowing and vague word choices to, at some point or another, cast every character in a villainous light. I literally went from thinking such and such character had done it one page…to totally flip-flopping the next, and I absolutely ADORED the chaos. It made this so much more fun, knowing I had absolutely zero clue who I was supposed to be suspecting. It also made it feel much more authentic, for me.

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These characters are vibrantly written in regards to their personalities, though I honestly felt I couldn’t really *see* them. I feel, thinking about it this morning, that that might have been part of Zack Scott’s plan. While their personalities leaped off the pages, we weren’t given much to go on about them physically–we got small glimpses of their clothes, the way they stood, how they reacted to stress…but we’re never really outright told what they look like. This, in hindsight, allowed me to imagine them as ANYONE–and probably helped, in some instances, to confuse and mislead me, because hello, stereotyping and preconceived judgments. So the fact I couldn’t see the characters? NOT a bad thing in this instance–it actually helped to make this read more confusing and chaotic!

I just… I had a ton of fun stepping into this twisted, intriguing mystery, and cannot WAIT to see what Zack Scott does in the future! The plot was confusing enough that I followed red herrings several times, and I adore that I had pretty much no clue who to suspect through the journey (a rarity for me, to be honest!) The characters were vibrantly written, though also vague enough to bring a different sort of chaos to the read. Overall, I LOVED how one-of-a-kind this read was! I definitely, DEFINITELY recommend to lovers of mysteries, who-dun-its, and suspiciously shady characters. Follow the clues, penguins, and see if YOU can figure it out before the big reveal–it’s not as easy as you’d think!

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