Top Ten Tuesday (#42)


HOSTED BY: The Broke and The Bookish
DESCRIPTION:  Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created here at The Broke and the Bookish in June 2010. This feature was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We’d love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!

Last week’s theme: Top Ten Favorite Movies

Find their latest post here!

But as usual, IIIII want to go a different direction ENTIRELY.  Instead, I give you:

The Right Ways to Give Thanks as Book Penguins

Because HAPPY TURKEY DAY, penguins!

Are you partaking in the merry gobbler?  It’s okay if you are–we’re totally different from those waddlers, after all!  Also, if you don’t have turkey, you can’t have pie, and today is ALL ABOUT celebrating pie!  Best just be safe–eat the bird and be thankful it’s not you on that table! (though let’s be honest…. I’ve never heard of anyone eating penguin.  We’re just too fluffy and fancy and adorable, I guess!)

Speaking of giving thanks, today’s the day to do it!  So let me just set you all on the path to awesome and lay you the ways a book penguin does exactly this!


I mean, electronic communication is the greatest invention since tuna fish!  You don’t have to leave the igloo, there are no icky stamps to get caught in your beak, there’s no fight to make your wings GRASP THE PEN ALREADY…and you can, in essence, be completely anonymous!  The pros far outweigh the cons, I think.

I always like to include kind gestures in mine.  For instance… “I will watch your kids sleep, if you let me!” and “Let me stare at you while I clean your windows!”

Of course, no one ever takes me up on these?  Maybe I should work more on my word choice and less on flailing prettily…


And by this, I mean own literally every scrap of a word that has ever even considered falling out of the mouths of your favorite authors.  How?!  Well, get creative!

For one, you could follow them on every social media site ever.  Just copy/paste every status update, every tweet, every response comment….. (and if you’re feeling really inspired, you can THEN craft love notes to yourself from their words.  It’s meant to be, I tell you!)

OOOOOOR you could just pull a Misery and tie them up in your spare bedroom.  Blame the screaming and weird noises on the television, your family and friends will NEVER know the difference!


In which I mean:  insult them in every possible way, because HELLO?!  You only pick on the people you love, right?!  Go ahead, call them mop buckets full of glitter glue.  Tell them their writing is the worst thing to happen since glow in the dark stars were invented…and by worst, you mean you want to make constellations on your ceiling with them.

And then!

Do the most horrible thing you ever could…and leave them a high star rating.

Just punishment, after all.  How DARE they make you love them so hard.  Now you have to share it with the world!

Okay, okay…so MAYBE there’s a reason people always shoot down my ideas.  You have to admit, though–I got spunk!  But let’s be serious for a minute, because there ARE ways you can thank the authors and publishers you work with and admire.  Here are some actual ideas:

–tweet out your love.  Remember to mention using the @name format, so they can see your kind words!

–snap a picture of those ARCs and share, share, share!

–mention how great they are on Facebook!

–send a thank you email?  I don’t know if this is even a thing, but…I think if you’re really close to the authors/publishing agents, you could get away with it.

But most importantly–keep being the awesome, lovely book penguins you already are!  This is more than thanks enough!

Happy Thanksgiving, guys.  Go eat a bird.

25 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday (#42)

  1. Beth, I can’t understand why people keep ignoring your ideas. They are all fabulous! ❤ Maybe society isn't ready for your genius yet? hahahah! [ps: I just watched Earned by Blake McGrath and I need help breathing right now. Well, actually I'm barely able to type. Excuse me while I get my dirty laundry to wash on those guys abs!!! *runs*]

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Haha, I love this! I’ve actually never really contacted an author and have no real interest in doing so beyond book launches, but I AM thankful for the work that they’ve done. Publishers, though, I have a bit more experience with, and I am always super thankful for what they do to get books in the hands of reader. 😉

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  3. Pingback: Sunday Post (#37) | betwixt-the-pages

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