Stacking the Shelves (#12)


Stacking the Shelves
Hosted by:  Tynga’s Reviews
Description: Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!

Find their latest post here!

I.  Am.  So.  Tired.

I mean…it’s not that today was BAD, but…

I started off this morning bright and early with a headache.  While at work.  So I took some headache medicine and went along with my day.  But then I got SUPER nauseous, which helped absolutely nothing.  AND THEN I got super light headed.

We think it was a mixture of the headache meds (for the nausea) and me being, once again, anemic.  I’m home now, but I feel all sorts of exhausted and slightly icky, so…I don’t plan on moving very far the rest of the day.  Pillows are comfy.

Anywhooooo, we’re here to talk books, not my ever-circling health.  So let’s do that!

Recently Purchased:


If this surprises ANYBODY… Shame on you!  You should know better by now.


What are some of the books YOU picked up/added to your shelves (either real or virtual?)  Let me know below, or link me to your own Stacking the Shelves!

Until next time, happy book-ing!

New Sig

20 thoughts on “Stacking the Shelves (#12)

  1. I’M SO EXCITED THAT YOU PICKED UP LONGBOURN AHHH. You must let me know how it goes!!! Also, let me know what you think of Magic of Thieves and whether you’re going to continue reading the series! I’ve read only the first one a while a go but haven’t found the motivation to keep going yet!

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