Who Let the Demon Out? — Witty, Gritty, Compelling

Who Let the Demon Out?Who Let the Demon Out? (Badass Demon Bounty Hunters #1) by Naomi Bellina Genre: Darkly Funny Urban Fantasy Age category: Adult Release Date: 21 August 2020
Blurb: How hard can it be to send an escaped demon back to hell? Not only is her suicide attempt thwarted by a stranger, but when she comes back from the dead, Sable is tasked by Lucifer to find and return to hell a demon she let loose. If she doesn’t, she’ll be sent to the darkest level of the afterlife when she dies. The woman Jack pulled from a running car is obviously disturbed and her story about Lucifer and demons is bullshit. But she has the name of a dead man written on her arm and Jack wants to know why. Since it’s Jack’s fault she’s in this mess and his skills from a background in the security business are useful, Sable recruits him for her find-the-demon mission, which turns out to be all kinds of difficult. Not only can demons inhabit human bodies, they have other nasty tricks up their sleeves, like incinerating objects and people who get in their way. It also turns out the inhabitants of hell lie and that things on Earth are not what they appear. Nor are things in her own world, Sable discovers, as she battles to complete her mission before time runs out and it’s impossible to send the demon back.
You can find Who Let the Demon Out? on Goodreads You can buy Who Let the Demon Out? here: – AmazonB&NKoboAppleScribdBooks2Read Who Let the Demon Out? graphic Who Let the Demon Out?About the Author: Naomi Bellina lives in sunny Florida with the love of her life and the world’s chattiest cat. Her interests include dancing, motorcycle riding, drumming and eavesdropping on strangers’ conversations for plot ideas. She used to worry about the battles between her cheery disposition and her dark imagination, but now they’re best friends and drink coffee and write books together. Her motto: Never pass up the opportunity to have an adventure! You can find and contact Naomi here: – WebsiteFacebookTwitterInstagramAmazonBookbubGoodreads banner Lola's Blog Tours

Quick Reasons: this was darker than I anticipated; quirky, snarky characters; intriguing way to begin a career; I just could not put this book down; just a bit of a “special snowflake” moment

HUGE thanks to Naomi Bellina and Lola’s Blog Tours for sending a complimentary copy of this book my way in exchange for an honest review! This in NO WAY altered my read of or opinions on this title.

I’m going to give a very brief TRIGGER WARNING right now because this book starts off in a very dark place. If you’re easily triggered by death, suicide, suicidal ideation, etc–please be careful picking up this book.

That being said, there was a lot of dark, gritty humor throughout the entirety of this read–which I absolutely LIVED for. Our characters are snarky, and flawed, and they compliment each other so beautifully. I was caught up in the middle of a journey I wasn’t expecting, and I COULD NOT put this book down until I was finished.

The only real issue I had…was the “special snowflake” connotation that came along with Sable’s task. She is made out to be “the only one” who can possibly track down and send the escaped demon back to hell, which honestly…I mean, I can’t say for sure one way or another if that’s even true, because we weren’t really given any explanation as to WHY that is. Among a few other plot holes–her aura/special powers, for instance–I felt like there might be just a little missing in her backstory or character makeup. I wanted to know more of the WHYs, and was slightly disappointed to get to the end without being given them. But that was a tiny complaint.

Overall, this was dark, gritty, and FULL of snark–which we all know this Penguin adores! Let’s be honest, I could fill my beak with tuna any day. Compelling, intriguing stories of grit and dark humor, on the other hand…that’s a complex mix to pull off well, and Naomi Bellina did that beautifully. If you’re looking for your next read, consider this one–but be careful, Penguins, lest you let the demon roam free.


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